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Being Gramps is the best job in the world

I know I don't look old enough, but I now have four beautiful grandchildren, I spent an hour today with my youngest.

I am going to offer shoots to my friends and family members. I am not trying to build a business or get too commercial about it as I feel that will just take a chunk of pleasure out of it, as most of you know I already have a full time job but really enjoy creating memories.

I have a small studio in Boroughbridge at my sons premises, but it may be possible to do home shoots shortly too.

Here are a few from todays shoot.

I would like to point out a few things, I would not dream of posting images of YOUR children to any form of media without your consent.

If you look at my website, you will see that I have a few images from weddings I have shot. I no longer do this, as I found it stressful beyond belief.

When you all have a shoot of any kind done, I suppose the first thing you think is wow thats expensive! What many of you don't realise is that for example a wedding shoot of even half a day will bring the photographer a weeks editing and grading.

I am full of admiration for the chaps that make a living from these shoots, and just wish it didn't affect me so much.

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